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Tuesday, 23 April 2019


The driver pull up at our hotel for lodging at 2:56pm, we all checked in and out few minutes later. Soon, we are en-route the iyamopo hill located in the heart of Igbeti town. It was a colorful view to see crowd of people heading up the hill as it is a tradition every easter Monday for Igbeti indigene and tourists to gathering here for picnic together irrespective of religious believes. At the foot of the hill, canopy is set for entertainment of prominent guest and those who can't attempt to climb the hill. among the entertainer is a man who display his skill by putting a long bench in his mouth. Soon, we are already half way on the mountain. It was an herculean task. Our tour guide Mr. Olawoyin, an indigene of Igbeti showed us hemp of stone which according to him was thrown by the villagers at Fulani intruders during the Yoruba-Fulani war from reaching them. Three rivers called "3 RIVALS" are located on the mountain. according to history, two of the rivers are good friends while the last river is their enemy. If water is taken from one of the friends and poured into the Fiend,the mountain will rumble and people will die. therefore, no one has tried it before. The water is medicinal as people are seen drinking from it and also taking away in bottles.the cafe located at the base of the mountain. It was the hiding place of the villagers during the war. People can be seen praying to their various God in the cafe. When I asked a man why, he said that it is believed that the Gods will answer them here since they come once in a year. Met a tourist, Mr. Alao who came all the way from Ibadan with his children for sightseeing. He brought with him a pair of binoculars. It was nice using one for the first time.

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